Two Worlds Together

Two Worlds Together

maandag 30 mei 2011

It's About DOGGONE Time!!!

YO, Bas here!! It has finally happened, I now officially have my own beach and it only took about a year to get it. Well, actually about 2 1/2 months since Mom didn't really start on it till March. But I am getting ahead of myself, I need to start at the beginning.

Summer 2010

March 2011

Last year, mom wanted to re-do the backyard. It was so high with weeds I couldn't even see over. Luckily, Dad got one of his buds to come out and he used this freaky machine to remove those weeds and give Mom a clean slate to work with or would that be a dirty slate since it was all dirt. Anyway, Mom didn't get to far last year, it was late in Summer and she really didn't know what she wanted to do with it. Two things she did know was that she wanted me to have my own beach to lay out on and a veggie garden..why veggies I have no idea...yuck. Well, she never got around to the beach and she only managed to get a few veggies going. Needless to say, but the yard was full of holes, leaves, and weeds before she got to it.

April 2011

Spring came around and Mom decided it was time to get busy, only problem was there was a very limited budget. You know what Mom is pretty resourceful. She came up with a plan and then started finding materials, most of which for free. Mom decided she wanted a yard with an old country farm feel to it...maybe just a little reminder of Texas. First thing she did was outline everything..she designated my beach, her veggie garden, and even a few spaces for flowers. Now I know all this sounds like it might be expensive, but if you know where to look it doesn't have to be. Mom already had tiles and she used those to mark off her garden. Next came a fence, apparently she didn't want me to help her in the veggie garden and is under the impression that a fence would stop him..yeah right. But she went ahead with getting the fence. Remember I said she was pretty resourceful, well while we were out walking one day Mom noticed a construction site. They had these wood pallets for moving bricks...Mom thought they were perfect for a fence. With a little help from my master negoiating skills, she got them for free. Then Dad built the fence for her. After that Mom got some grass seed and also utilized some old rocks our neighbor didn't want anymore. She also bought veggie seeds (again yuck) and a few flowers. Altogether, she managed to re-do it for next to nothing excluding alot of hard work, of course.

Next came my big day, I got the sand for my beach. Now you may be asking yourself..where's the water? Plleaasseeeee...who wants water, water is yucky and it tries to keep me clean. I have a water-free beach and I like it just fine, thank you. I even have my own sign and no bunnies allowed. Now if I can just keep the neighborhood cats and that evil snake like thing that spits out water like poison (waterhose, Mom calls it) away from it, I'll be sitting pretty for the summer holidays. Mom decided I needed my own spot since according to her I was trying to duplicate the Grand Canyon in the yard. She didn't know that was part of my grand plan, make her think I needed my own space when really I just wanted some nice cool sand to lie in.


Well, that's our new backyard. Not fancy, but I find it pretty doggone relaxing. For the life of me though, I can't figure out why Mom wants fresh tomatoes, zucchini, squash, brussel sprouts, red bell peppers, watermelon, and 3 different kinds of hot peppers...sounds disgusting to me.

Time for me to hit the beach...I'm such a beach bum!!