Two Worlds Together

Two Worlds Together

zondag 30 mei 2010

Bas's Beach....No Bunnies Allowed!!!

Wow, what a week or two actually. I don't even know where to begin. Well, here goes. First thing that happened was I woken up rudely one morning by this very loud noise in the backyard. Now this was a bit scary because no one knows what was in that jungle...I say was because it's no longer a jungle. Turns out that noise was a mini bulldozer (or minicrane) clearing out the jungle. After a few hours all that was left was one big pile of weeds and dirt. Dad's friend Mark Elferink, who by the way can be hired to do this for you, controlled the giant beast as it removed every single weed...then I watched as a big ol' tractor took the jungle away.

Now I wasn't too sure about this at first, but I did make an initial inspection then went back inside. A day or two later Mom made me come out while she worked and I discovered my new talent....DIGGING! I am an expert excavator and I didn't even need training. I dug myself a little hole (Mom calls it a ditch) on the side by the fence and it is absolutely perfect to lay in. I truly enjoy my job, everytime Mom goes out there I race out to help her. The best news though is all my hard work will be rewarded. Mom and Dad have decided that my favorite digging spot is going to be turned into my own private beach...No Ninja Bunnies allowed of course. Mom figures if she puts down some sand that maybe I'll only dig there and ignore her veggie garden....silly human. But then again, a nice sandy beach of my own for summer...OH YEAH!

Mom says grass will going in too along with lots of veggies and something about a BBQ....hmmm...sounds like my clean up skills may be needed as well pretty soon.

Now I said things have been exciting. I wasn't just talking about my beach. There's a new resident in Overdinkel. Last week, Mom and I watched a calf being born. Cute little guy. We've been watching out for him, as well as my new little foal buddy. Cute little baby horse that loves to run and bounce. Also met a new little pup that I had fun knocking over with my nose....those young pups are easily entertained.

Well, that's been my week. Been a pretty busy one. As soon as my sand goes in for the beach I'll make sure you get some pics. Now all I have to do is find a speedo that fits.

vrijdag 21 mei 2010

All about Overdinkel

Hoi Bas's it goin'...I mean going (Mom's Texas accent is catching)?! Ok, ok, I give up...all of Mom's friends want to know about Overdinkel, so I decided I'd give you a tour...Bas style.

Overdinkel apparently dates back to the middle ages, Overdinkel was first found in the record books in 1200. That's too many years for me to count in dog time. Up until the 1890's it was a farming community, then in 1907 became a full fledged village. Prior to and after World War 2, Overdinkel was prospering in textiles until the demise of the industry. Overdinkel is in the Overjissel providence and Twente region. You know that region, the one with the Champion FC Twente soccer team...little shout out for my Twente friends there.

Anyway, let me show you around town. You think people went crazy over FC Twente winning their first championship, check this out there's one whole street in town Orange..getting ready for the world cup. They love their voetball here.

Next we have Hoofdstraat, English translation...Main street. Down Hoofdstraat there are 2 grocery stores, a bakery, 2 hair salons, a bicycle shop, car dealers, drugstore, and my absolute favorite place... Pet's pig's ears in town.

Just off Hoofdstraat is my favorite park. Now you have to be careful here...this is where the first ninja bunny attack occurred. Gotta a bit dangerous lately with those bunnies, but I keep a watchful me. This park also hosts the weekly Wednesday market which Mom loves. Fresh fruit, veggies, cheeses, olives, fish, and nuts.

The great thing about Overdinkel is there are plenty of places for a guy to take a nice, relaxing walk. There are two parks within walking distance and a couple of forest areas.

Then there's the country too, can't miss that. Although, you do need to be on the lookout there are ninja bunnies, kamikaze ducks, and a pigeons armed with torpedoes...if they catch you off're in a world of trouble. If you look around you'll see some big animals that look like really big dogs, but they're really cows and careful not to get them confused..I can only imagine what a cow would do if you brought it into the house at night.
Back in the town you'll see this wonderful bandstand (at least that's what Mom calls it)'s really nice, but I keep waiting for the parade...don't parades usually end at the bandstand...oh well.
We go a little farther and you'll find my street. Which I think it's time to head inside and catch a little snooze..being a tour guide is exhausting. Catch ya'll (there's Mom's Texan again...she's a bad influence) later!!!

Ok, all feet in....curled up......ahhhhh......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

zondag 2 mei 2010

Bas's Excellent Adventure!!!

Hoi, Bas here...Ja, Ik ben terug!!! Did ya miss me? I see Mom kinda hijacked the blog, well don't worry I'm taking back over.

So wondering where I've been...well, I took a little vacation, you see my human Oma passed away and my Dad and Mom had to be with her and help the family, it's very sad, but I know she's up there watching out for us all now. While they were away I got to stay in the local hotel. Let me tell you they were charmed by me instantly at the Dierenhotel Hazewinkel in Oldenzaal....and who isn't. They were so charmed by me I immediately became the party job make all the other dogs play with me....woohoo..that I can do. I have to admit I was a little confused when Dad left me in my room alone, but then I poked my head out the little door leading outside and I knew why I was get all the other dogs to play. What can I say, I'm just a party animal. While I was there, I got a great manicure and a wellness check...I'm in great shape. After a few weeks, Mom came and picked me up and despite how much fun I was having...I was really glad to see her. I couldn't help myself I jumped up and gave her a big ol' kiss. Then I showed her the door and even opened it for her. Once we got home, I immediately got back to work. So much catching up to do, seriously, I don't think anyone did a thing while I was away. Mom and I took a walk...and no one had updated the news in the park I think since I'd been gone. I had to stop at every tree and bush along way and update leaving the latest news bulletins.

Well, after our walk we visited the dierenspecialzaak Pet's Place here in Overdinkel where I got some more pigs ears and new bone. I deserved it especially after all the work I did posting the news. I did learn a few things while I gone...I have increased my will power 100%. You can see in this photo...the cookie is right in front of my face...and I ignore it..,I'm a good boy.

Of course, sleep is what I do best. I'm even teaching Dad how to sleep on the floor. You humans don't always appreciate the art of sleep...and it is an art form. I feel it is an art to be explored...and I explore it as often as possible...I'm a sleep connoisseur if you will. Speaking of which it's about time for me to do some more exploring, so I'll say goodnight for now... but I promise the blog will kept up better now that I'm back in action.

Ps. Don't forget to check out my buddies at Dierentehuis Oost Twente.....