
You know Mom goes over to this place in Oldenzaal for a few hours every week. She plays with other dogs and even cats, which is great for me I get to catch up on all the animal news every time she returns. There's this great older dog named Lady, she's about 12 years old, but she's still got alot of spunk.
Then there's Dipper, an Australian Cattle Dog...hey, he's a herder, too and he's a great football player...he's been at the shelter for 3 years honing his soccer skills. Mom even told me about Tonny, the black and white cat that loves to snuggle especially when Mom cleans the cat house. Check out these and a few other friends at http://www.dierentehuisoosttwente.nl/ . 
Bas here, sorry to all my Nederlandse friends, but I have to write this in Engels....my Mom is my editor and her Nederlands is not so good.

Let me introduce myself. I am a 4 1/2 year old, 55kilo, Anatolian Shepherd (Anatolische Herder). Which makes me a tiny dog....lol...I crack myself up. Actually just normally walking my head is all the way up to my Mom's waist and if I stand on Dad's shoulders I can look into his eyes (effective for hypnotizing him into giving me his dinner...sometimes). My hobbies include sleeping, sleeping, stealing food, tap dancing, sleeping, and howling whenever Mom leaves. Oh, and sleeping.

Let me introduce myself. I am a 4 1/2 year old, 55kilo, Anatolian Shepherd (Anatolische Herder). Which makes me a tiny dog....lol...I crack myself up. Actually just normally walking my head is all the way up to my Mom's waist and if I stand on Dad's shoulders I can look into his eyes (effective for hypnotizing him into giving me his dinner...sometimes). My hobbies include sleeping, sleeping, stealing food, tap dancing, sleeping, and howling whenever Mom leaves. Oh, and sleeping.
Now I do enjoy my long walks as well. Speaking of which I gotta tell you about what happened the other night. I had just woken up for my nap and Mom said it was time for our walk before bed. We headed out to the park like we do every evening. Well, everything was going great and I was just relaxing thinking about going to sleep...again...when all of a sudden I was attacked by NINJA BUNNY. I poked my nose into a bush and suddenly this horrifying bunny came flying out and even karate kicked me in the nose. I was so worried about protecting Mom from the Ninja Bunny that I ran hoping the bunny would follow me and spare her life. Wouldn't you know it, I couldn't get far enough away so I jumped behind Mom so I could make sure it didn't attack her from behind. Eventually, things settled down, but on this morning's walk I made sure I took Mom the long way around that bush.

You know Mom goes over to this place in Oldenzaal for a few hours every week. She plays with other dogs and even cats, which is great for me I get to catch up on all the animal news every time she returns. There's this great older dog named Lady, she's about 12 years old, but she's still got alot of spunk.

YAAWWWWNNNNN......well, I haven't slept in almost 30 minutes so it's time for my nap. Next time I'll tell you all about my new favorite sport, tennis.
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