Bas here again. Well it seems everyone wants to know how I spend my days. So here's a little sneak peek at my schedule.
Mom gets up usually around 7-8am everyday...gets a coke and sits down at the computer. At this point I am still asleep on my sofa. I know there is no use in getting up yet, cause Mom won't move till she's finished her coke. After about 10 minutes of this I remind her that I have not mastered the toilet and I gotta go.
For the next 30-45 minutes we walk. I stop to check out all the popular news sites in the area and of course, leave my 'mark' on the news as well. Sometimes I take Mom to the park, other times to the woody areas. However, since my run-in with Ninja Bunny I have a few issues with the park. And since we are on the subject, did you know there are Kamikaze Ducks out there, too. They just dive bomb you out of nowhere. I thought moving to a smaller town would be nice, but these cute, little woodland creatures are psycho.
Anyway, back to my day. After I walk Mom, then it's time for breakfast. I patiently wait in the livingroom doorway peeking around the corner till Mom is done making my food then I wait till she's almost gone before I start.
Next comes the all important naptime. I nap till Dad wakes up, then I try to convince him that Mom hasn't walked me yet. It never seems to work. So I nap again. Occassionally, I'll get up and go watch Mom cook her and Dad's breakfast. Of course, being ever so helpful I'll clean up whatever Mom happens to drop on the floor. She often misses the trash can when she has the end bread pieces, so I gladly take care of it.
Next, I take a nap. After about an hour or so, I start reminding Mom again that I haven't figured out the toilet, yet. Now here comes the problem...she ignores me tells me I have to wait at least an hour. I've tried arguing with her, but is does no good. Finally after they have lunch she takes me for my noontime walk. Now this one's the best usually. We go different places for this one....sometimes woods, sometimes visit the local farms, we even go to Germany ever now and then. Usually it's a nice, long walk...unless its cold,wet, or snowing...Mom's kinda a wimp about being cold and wet.
Next, time for the all important afternoon nap. Mom's usually cleaning things up, while Dad's getting ready for work.
Oh man, I almost left out one of the most important parts of my day. Somewhere between Dad getting up and my breakfast, Mom sometimes goes to the store. Now this is when my protection skills get used. I let the whole town know that my Mom is out there and not to mess with or they'll be talking to me. I do this by howling at the top of my lungs. Sometimes it even wakes up Dad and he'll help me out by whistling loudly and calling my name. That let's everybody know I'm the one on duty. Good to have Dad as backup.
Back to my afternoon, Dad leaves for work. Then the torture begins. For some reason Mom lets this evil machine she calls a vacuum loose in the living room. She tries to control it by holding its neck, but it never works. The darn thing sucks up all my carefully placed hair and tracked dirt I've placed on the floor and then it tries to come after me, but I'm fast and run into the other room. Mom finally recaptures the thing, but as she's putting it up....this thing called a mop escapes and it removes all my footprints. I mean seriously I put those down for a reason, its torture. She finally regains control of it as well and I can finally get the rest of my afternoon nap in.
Later in the afternoon on into the evening, I try to figure out what Mom is doing...sometimes she's putting color on the wall, sometimes she's taking stuff off the walls and counters....I really can't figure what she's doing most of the time. So I just sleep, till it's time to remind Mom that my evening walk is coming up...and again she makes me wait. After pleading with her, we take my evening walk. After this it's my dinner time and once again I stay out of the way till its ready.
After dinner, I stand watch over the kitchen again while Mom makes her and Dad's dinner....I am such a good boy...I'm right there ready to clean up. Next, time for another nap. Sometimes I chill with Mom on her sofa and we watch TV....love Animal Planet.
After a few hours it's time for Mom's bedtime walk, this is usually a quick one to the park and back. Then its bedtime. Mom goes upstairs and I stay in the living room. Mom says I can go upstairs, but if I'm upstairs then who's going to protect her from Ninja Bunnies. I prefer to stand guard downstairs. I sometimes fake sleeping hoping I'll catch one of those Ninja Bunnies.
Well, that's it....my grueling day. I tell ya it's not easy taking all those naps and walks, but some dog's gotta do it.
Dierentehuis Oost Twente got two new cool dudes in you might what to check out. First is Chico, he's golden retriever. He's an expert swimmer and ball retriever. So if you're in need of a lifeguard or someone to play soccer with he's your man.
Next is Boris, a cute little dude. He's a Jack Russell Terrier that will just melt your hearts ladies. With those baby brown eyes, he's just a charmer. Need a little love in your life then meet Boris.
Well, that's it for today. Have a good one.